- Custom sponsorship opportunities. We will work with you to help select a way to uniquely recognize your organization as you prefer. This could include break or meal sponsorship during the conference, showing a video to all attendees that markets your organization during a break, speaking about your organization on stage during a break, or lanyards with your logo as part of the conference nametags (These are just some examples and other options are available).
- Priority selection of your vendor table location during the conference.
- FETTI will prominently display your organization’s name at all the FETTI events and sessions.
- Your conference name tag will include a sponsor ribbon that notes your generosity to our organization.
- Your organization’s name and participation as a sponsor will be verbally recognized during the seminar.
- Your organization’s logo and participation as a sponsor will be noted in the online agenda booklet and website.
- You will be given a table at the conference to market your organization as you deem appropriate.
- You will be listed as a “break” sponsor in the conference materials and tabletop signs with your Logo will be posted during the actual refreshment break (breakfast, lunch, snack, and cocktails).
- Your organization will receive two complimentary registrations to attend the entire FETTI Conference and associated events and includes receiving CE/CLE credit. The complementary registrations may only be used by members of your organization. Please note that these benefits must be used by the same people from your organization and cannot be extended to different people on different days.
Please note that each sponsorship level includes a fixed number of people from your organization, being registered to attend FETTI at no additional cost. Additional people from your organization can still attend by registering through the standard online process.